Dealing with Anger
A devotional about how we are to deal with our anger. We are to speak honestly when we are angry but we are also to speak with love and not hatred.
Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin.” Do not let sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.
—Ephesians 4:25-27—
The scripture above is so simple, right? WRONG! It is so easy for us humans to use platitudes to “tell” people what they should do or how they should act and react in particular situations. Anger is such a difficult challenge is it not? It is so much easier to carry it around with us and feed it and make sure everyone knows about it and why. Satan love it.
In this particular year of 2020, there are many prime examples of anger that are justified – like…..Pandemic, Social Injustice, Weather Extremes, an election like no other (am I right?)…….the list goes on and on and on. I believe if you cannot find something to be angry about in 2020, you are Mother Teresa herself.
Thank God though for His Word though. The Bible recalls only ONE time when Jesus was righteously and outwardly angry when He encountered the money changers in the temple. I would courageously propose that Jesus was likely angry a lot! Yet, He, being the Son of God and all, was able to control His anger and only display His anger when it served a concise and present point. He trusted in His Heavenly Father for the good of all of us.
As humans, we struggle a lot more with it. In fact, we “harbor” it for just the right moment. We not only become hysterical, but, HISTORICAL. I am guilty of this and will openly admit it. Yet, “harboring” something should be for comfort and safety, not for making a point or resurfacing pain.
There are countless reasons why we become angry. Yet, I propose that one of the reasons is all-encompassing. WHY? Why did that happen, why did she do that, why does God allow those things to happen? Below is a video link of one of my favorite movies. In Steel Magnolias, a mom loses her adult daughter to diabetes. After her burial, she is righteously angry at God, at the world and just cannot come to terms with what has happened. Again….the “WHY” part comes in.
So, how do we try to comprehend the reasons for when bad things happen to good people?
Let’s look to The Cross. If anyone had a reason to be angry, it is our Father God. “We” crucified His Son. True, it was part of the ultimate plan for salvation. God freely gave His Son to be born, to grow up, to preach and to heal, and then….to die for us. He knew of our human trait of anger. He knew what would happen. Still,….I don’t believe it was any easier for the Father. He still saw and experienced the earthly death of His One and Only Beloved Son. Maybe He asked himself…..”Why was this the only way to get my children to come to me?” And still………….He freely allowed to happen. There may have been anger, but also the most amazing LOVE!
So, next time you are angry. That’s OK. To feel it, to talk about, to release it in a constructive way. Know that God understands anger. He understands it but wants us to control it and utilize our energy for the good of others, just like He did. He wants us to see situations for what they are but not to rely on anger as the only way out. God gave His Everything for us. His anger was kept to Himself so that we could live forever with Him in Heaven one day. Our Father was willing to give His All for our souls. Most of all, He never allowed Satan to use the situation for his own goals. Yes, Jesus descended to the dead, but only temporarily and by the way…….God WINS!
Thank You Father God! We know we do not deserve anything you have given us. We know that we are quick to anger and quick to retaliate or hurt others in our anger. We always want to know why something happens and yet we know that You are in control. Help us to trust. Help us to harbor only comforting feelings. Help us to understand the breadth of what You have done for us. Help us to honor You with our trust and love. Help us to use any anger for the overall good.
Video shared by Craig Schmidt via YouTube
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