The Bible comes in many different versions and forms these days. This devotional writer considers the importance of having a physical copy of the Bible and how it was something for them to hold onto during difficult times.
TECHNOLOGY. WOW! I do not think there has been any other concept that has grown so quickly as the phenomenon of technology. It is convenient, creative, fast, far-reaching, helpful, efficient, and the positive attributes go on and on. I wonder though, with the onset of and the astronomical growth of technology, if we are leaving something behind that is vital. I am fondly reminded of the movie “Home Alone.” Everyone is so excited about going on their magnificent trip together, that they absentmindedly leave their young son home alone to fend for himself. The trip will prove to be glamorous, fun, and interesting but is what they left behind less important? I doubt it. His innate worth is worth more than anything else. In today’s world, maybe we are losing track of valuable assets to our lives that should not be left behind.
As we attempt to navigate through the futuristic waters of technology, we are discovering that although it is vital to our modern society, we do not want to leave anyone or anything behind either. It seems important to stay up to date with changes and new inventions, but we need to be able to still appreciate those things that are faithful “to” us and “for” us before the new neighbor on the block appeared.
It is obvious that our younger generation far exceeds our skills with technology. True, very painfully true. Yet, even with this confession, I would like to introduce the concept of the printed Word in the Bible. Historically, we have presented Bibles to our little ones from the church. Yes, it is “tradition.” Yes, it is a book, and not TikTok. Yes, it is old school, but do we want to “leave it behind”? I propose that the physical version of the Bible has something that we do not want to forget.
I reminisce about times when I had no words to describe a particular emotional pain but was able to “leaf through” the Bible and find words of comfort. Instagram just does not do it for me. I remember reading the Bible to my daughter and fielding questions of faith as she challenged her challenging social realm. I recall writing a date or a thought or a feeling in the pages of my Bible and then “finding it” years later, and it brought tears of joy to my eyes. I remember physically caressing the pages and cover of my Bible when my baby girl was extremely ill right after her birth. I would go to the chapel every day. It was an interfaith chapel so there was no cross, but I had my Bible to pull close to my heart as I prayed for her to survive. My prayers beseeched God to be true to His Word and keep her safe.
Did you know that most children who are given a Bible as part of a faith ceremony, not only keep the Bible into adulthood, but also remember the importance attached to receiving it? We also remember from Jesus’ Word, that children are so important to Him:
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” —Mark 10:14—
Recently, when speaking to our Youth group at church, I asked them if they still have their Bibles that were given to them by the church a few years ago. The answer was a unanimous YES! I was told it is the very Bible they still read – one teen reads it every night. They use words and phrases such as “special,” “cuz the church gave it to me,” “will save it forever,” “it’s a connection.” WOW! I was a little surprised but thankfully so.
The Bible, the “old-fashioned” physical Bible brings out all the senses – unlike anything a podcast can do. You can touch it, turn it, read it, feel it, write in it, and even smell it. All our senses are acutely aware and actively involved in loving His Word. Sight and Smell and Touch.
Scripture reminds us that it is vital to continue to instruct our children. We are the solidarity and the history they depend on as their foundation. Utilizing the Bible, we can bring the Word alive and into their hearts. We play the active role in helping someone younger to remember to not leave it behind.
“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done” –Psalm 78:4—
Creator Father, Brother Jesus, and Holy Spirit – help us to not only read Your Word but also to treasure it. Bring the Words alive for us! Help us to treasure our Bibles and hold it close to us in times of trouble or JOY! AMEN.
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