Courage Is Fire…………
Today’s devotional “Courage Is Fire” looks at the problem of bullying which seems to be increasing and more people are being traumatized by the experience. The writer looks at some stories in the Bible and how God has reached out to help and support those being bullied. We can rely on God as well.
Many of us have experienced bullying in our lives. Bullying is not a new phenomenon. Yet, it seems to have taken on a new veil of veracity and intrigue in today’s era. It is still manifest in physical altercation, but more often it is innuendo and psychological warfare. That type of bullying is even more dangerous. It has already done its’ harm before anyone realizes what is happening. In hindsight, we realize we have been bullied. Yet, it is either too late to address it or it will prove fruitless to do so. We are left with the aftereffects of its brutality, and it is sometimes difficult to move forward. Plus, there is no proof of the bullying because it is not physical. One author recently authored a book about domestic violence entitled “No Visible Bruises.” If a person cannot show the bruises of physical abuse, then the authorities think no abuse at all was perpetrated. When, in fact, the psychological bullying is much deeper and more harmful than the fleeting bruises.
Let’s look at a few stories of bullying, right inside the Bible. First example, Daniel and the Lion’s Den. We all know the story. The king wanted his own way, so he tried to force Daniel into doing something he knew was wrong, and he was punished with the lion’s den. Miraculously, Daniel was saved due to Gods’ Power. He closed the mouths of the lions. Thinking about it, the threat was still there. The lions were still hungry and still wild animals. The situation had not changed, but with Gods’ help, their intentions were thwarted in the light of a miracle.
How about Esther? She also was bullied, by Hamish. You remember that he wanted all the Jews slaughtered. Esther had not even publicly claimed to be a Jew at that point, but her courage, through the confidence of her uncle, and the Spirit of the Living God, gave her the wherewithal to stand up to her bully. She triumphed because God triumphed.
Let’s look at one more – the bullying of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were thrown into a blazing fire in the furnace by a bully. I am sure there was lots of smoke, but the fire did not consume them. Their God, the one they refused to denounce, was with them and for them. In fact, although there may have been smoke present, indicative of the bully’s intentions, they did not even smell like smoke when they walked out unscathed.
I suspect that although all three examples have a theme of physical violence, the psychological consequences may have affected them for the rest of their lives. The lions may have been gone, Hamish was hung on the gallows he designed, and the fire was impotent. Yet, it is likely true that those persons never forgot what happened. The memory of it was engrained in their spirit forever.
The most important thing to remember though is that those persons, stood up to their bullies. Some of us are not ready to do that yet. We still live by societal expectations, or fears of the past, or a misaligned sense of frailty. In today’s time, we need to call psychological bullying what it is – plain, old-fashioned, bullying, nay, evil.
When someone makes snide remarks. Or when someone uses their authority to insinuate that you were in the wrong, when they were completely wrong. When someone uses sarcasm. When someone uses power to beat down instead of lifting up. The list goes on and on. The less flamboyant the bullying is, the more likely it is detrimental to the spirit – leaving the most profound bruises.
So, let us take this time to go to God and ask for a miracle for ourselves. To stand up, to be heard, to destroy gallows, to tame lions, and to put out fires. I believe God not only “saved” those Biblical characters from bullies, but also, when they were haunted by their memories, the courage to continue.
God, grant us courage. Give us audacity and strength. Please help us through those times we know are going to happen, but with a clarity of vision and bravery. Please give the bullies an opportunity to change their hearts and their ways. Help us always to go to You, to pray to You, and to rely on You for courage. AMEN.
We hope you have enjoyed this devotional “Courage is Fire ……. and Bullying is Smoke”.
For more information about bullying, please visit
If you or someone you know are being bullied, please get help by contacting the appropriate authorities, contacting your local crisis line, seeking support of your friends, family and of your local church and praying the prayer above to God.
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