Joy vs. Fear
A devotional on the small word JOY which has a big impact on those who experience it.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. —3 John 1:4—
I had the privilege of hearing a Bible Study lesson yesterday from a fellow congregant about JOY! I thank her for that message because I needed to hear the message at that very moment. Some of us will be returning to work soon with schools opening and eventually getting back to the physical classroom. It likely will not happen for at least a few weeks, but there will be, at least for me, ABSOLUTE JOY when we all get back together again. Even if we only see each other on ZOOM, just having the privilege of seeing their little faces and knowing they are OK will be JOY abundant!
Being a word fiend, I tend to think that JOY seems so small a word for such an exorbitant feeling. So, as we all do with our computers these days, I looked up the word “joy” and it definitely encompasses much more passion than these three letters can contain.
Joy means an intense, ecstatic, celebrative, and/or exultant happiness or pleasure. The biblical Greek term the apostle Paul wrote about in Galatians is joy, cheer, gladness, or celebration.
Because the word is so small physically, but so LARGE spiritually, it can also be expanded into an acronym that is more accurately reflective of its intensity:
J – Jesus 1st
O – Others 2nd
Y – You last
I am not sure that the kiddos feel the same JOY as I feel. I believe most of them may prefer lazy summer days and sleeping late and playing on their iPads all day versus homework and studying and waking up early. I understand that, being a kid myself at one time (although it was millions of years ago and no iPad – LOL). Yet, to get back to what I love doing most, teaching, is eliciting the JOY that we are speaking about right now.
I suspect teachers are not alone in their JOY about returning to work soon. No matter what profession you are in, there is JOY in being able to produce or teach or assist or provide services to others. Referring to the acronym above, if we put JESUS FIRST, then others will benefit from our work, and finally we, “you” will benefit from the fruits of your labor. That may be in getting a long-awaited paycheck, or being among “missed” friends again, or just the shear JOY of doing an honest days’ work that benefits someone. Whatever form your JOY manifests itself in, it is always felt deep down to our toes.
As Satan would have it, there is also a counterpart to that joy – a tremendous amount of fear. I must admit my humanity and its weaknesses. I am afraid of catching COVID-19. I am afraid of getting sick. Most of all, I am afraid of dying alone. Yet, keeping with the JOY acronym, if we put Jesus first, then He will take care of the fear part and allow us to experience the JOY that we are so looking forward to and can impart to others.
So, I wish you JOY. If you are returning to your work soon, experience JOY. If you are already back to work, let the JOY run over you. If you are still out of work, fight the fear that Satan is attempting to use to block your JOY. Whatever situation you are in, JOY demolishes fear. JOY allows Jesus to be first. JOY helps others. JOY helps you. JOY.
Smiley Laughing Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
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