Following information about baptism comes from the UMC website
* Baptism is a sacrament. In a sacrament, God uses common elements — in this case, water — as means or vehicles of divine grace. Baptism is administered by the church as the Body of Christ. It is the act of God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit.
* We offer baptism to people of all ages including infants who have not previously received Christian baptism in any form. We do not rebaptize those who have already received Christian baptism in any form. Even when the people being baptized are believing adults and are ready to profess their faith, our first emphasis is upon the gracious action of God who establishes the covenant of baptism with us rather than upon the individual’s decision.
The UMC recognizes and allows baptism by sprinkling, pouring or immersion. At MBUMC, we do not have a pool to perform immersion baptisms so a different location would need to be found where the pastor can perform the baptism. For the other forms of baptism, we can perform them during a worship service.
If you would like to be baptized or have your children baptized, please contact the Church Office to make arrangements to talk with the Pastor to prepare for the sacrament in an upcoming worship service. Family and friends of the person being baptized are welcome to attend the service.
What happens after baptism? For adults, they can make a profession of faith and then become members of the Church. For children, their next step would occur when they are around middle school age when they would attend Confirmation class to prepare themselves for services of profession of faith and confirmation before the congregation.