Every Sunday morning, teens gather to strengthen their faith in a time of worship, study, fellowship and fun as part of the youth ministry.
Sunday School:
6th Grade – Senior High: Room 215 in Education Building – 9:30 a.m.
Confirmation Class:
- Classes typically start in September. Confirmation is designed for sixth graders; however, any age is welcome.
- The classes offer a time of instruction that helps bring a child into a deeper relationship with the Lord, His Word, and the church.
- The Confirmands are supported in prayer not only by their parents but with their SWT’s – “Seen with Teens”. SWT’s serve as sponsors for each Confirmand as they experience their Christian journey, not only with their physical presence but through spiritual support.
- The Confirmation class also becomes involved in service as Acolytes and Communion Stewards for the 10:30 am Worship service and they help throughout the year with different service projects.