God Does Origami Too, Just With People
A devotional looking how God folds our experiences as part of His vision for our lives making beautiful People Origami creations.
In our church, we are privileged to have so many talented people. Children, Adults, and Youth. Across the board, we can see the many gifts and talents that God has bestowed upon each of His Children.
Specifically, we have one youth who is especially skilled at making beautiful creations out of paper through the art of Origami. When you first look at a plain, wordless, pictureless piece of paper, you are not able to imagine what kind of “artwork” this could possibly represent. The paper, by itself, cannot fold or crease or roll or perform any kind of action. The paper is lifeless and flat. Yet, someone comes along that promises us that the paper will be formed into an item that is three-dimensional and representative of a well-known creature. How can this be? Interference. The person who has studied and practiced Origami is able to interfere and change a static energy into kinetic energy. She can mold and persuade the paper to become something they “saw” or envisioned themselves, but that is seemingly impossible to comprehend by us onlookers on the outside.
In the Bible, it says that before Creation, there was only God, and the world was
“…formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,”
Like the piece of paper. Formless, empty of anything useful, and no amount of light would change that. Yet, our Creator, was poised and ready to change all that.
“….and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
God was not absent, but “hovering.” It denotes an anticipatory sense that something great was about to happen. If there is no interest in change, “hovering” does not exist. It makes me think of a childhood game, such as musical chairs. The anticipation of grabbing and sitting down on the last chair is prevalent in the air as the contestants “hover” over each musical note on their way around the circle.
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.
God changed total darkness into LIGHT and as we know, would go on to create all that we know and love. On the sixth day, He created mankind. From the dust He breathed, and mankind existed. Hmm…. what does that sound like? From a piece of paper, a lifeless form, a beautiful dove, or flower is formed. The creators’ hands delicately touch, fold, and mold the paper into something beautiful and symbolic. No longer will the paper be seen as lifeless. It may not be breathing, but it is a shape now that can bring laughter or tears or just a deep sense of beauty. Synonymously, from a lifeless, inconsequential material, our God, our Father, created the first breathing, thinking, feeling, man and woman. Mankind was unlike the dust – a living creature that would never be the same. In fact, each time a new person is formed, they are not exactly like anyone else in the world. I suspect that the creator of Origami could make one hundred doves and not one would be exactly the same. Each would have their own unique qualities.
Can you even imagine a God who can create billions of people, each unique in so many ways? Just as the molded paper has now become artwork, we are the artwork of God. The obvious difference though is that we have the capability of loving our Creator. We, as onlookers can “love” the paper creation. Yet, it cannot love us back. God is not only the definition of love but also gives us the capability of loving Him and loving others. In that way, we are different. We are capable of so much more than a piece of art. We love back. We recognize our Creator as our Father and revel in His talent, artistry, and imagination. We celebrate our differences. We are assorted colors of paper, varied sizes of paper, and definitely different hearts and spirits from each other. Yet, our common thread is our capability to love.
Thank You Creator God. Thank You for envisioning our beautiful world. Thank you for shaping us, molding us, and creating each and every soul. When we think we are just a part of the crowd, help us to reminisce to our birth. Help us to know that every piece of us is unique and that we owe it all to you. We are not made by happenstance. We are not a mistake. We are not a coincidence. We are created for a purpose. We are created to love You with all our hearts, mind, and souls. AMEN.
People Origami – each unique, special and designed by God
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