Manna Bags Feed My Sheep Mission Bend UMC needs your donations of food in order to assemble our Manna Bags as part of our Feed My Sheep calling. Items that we need for our manna bags are the following items: * Small cans of meat WITH pull tabs such as Vienna sausages and tuna * […]
MBUMC Campus Cleaning
MBUMC Campus Cleaning We would like to thank those who have already volunteered and donated with efforts cleaning our MBUMC Campus. We still need your help to keep things looking good for Sundays. Also we could use your help with putting together the Manna Bags as well. For Scheduling to help clean, contact Kathy @ […]
Feed My Sheep
Feed My Sheep Mission Bend UMC will be running Feed My Sheep from June 2nd through August 25th, 2022 where we will be handling out Manna Bags every Thursday from 10am to Noon to the homeless and needy children in our community. Volunteers are needed to help assemble the Manna Bags as well as to […]
Manna Bag Items
Time to restock Manna Bag Items Can help support the Manna Bag mission outreach by bring to the church the following Manna Bag items of canned meats with a pop-top opening lid and individual serving size easy opening packaged fruit cups. Assembled Manna Bags are available in a basket by the main entrance doors and […]