True Reflections?
A devotional about reflecting on our motives and actions and whether they are true reflections of what God intends for us. Proverbs 27:19
Recently, I had the unwanted task of speaking with a friend about a behavior that needed to be addressed. I was uncomfortable and nervous. I suspect that most people do not welcome such an opportunity and to be clear, will avoid it all costs. Yet, sometimes a poor behavior needs to be addressed and discussed.
Unfortunately for my ego though, it has sent me on a journey of self-reflection. When I was attempting to confront a challenge for someone else, I was forced to look inward. Inward, deeply, and honestly. Oops. Now there is a challenging situation.
Most of us really enjoy “looking back” or even “looking inwards” for good memories or for giving accolades to ourselves for star characteristics. The same cannot be said about times when we are forced, for whatever reason, to look at ourselves honestly and forthrightly. The “less than noble” characteristics that we harbor within us can be much more challenging to face. Sometimes they are characteristics that have been hidden away. There are no outward signs to others…but we know they are there. Or maybe they can be “seen” by others, but we still attempt to pretend they are not present or that we cannot change our circumstances and therefore we are not responsible for them.
How about historical anger, an addiction to “whatever” (there are hundreds of types), hatred for a person(s) with no rhyme nor reason, prejudicial and/or judgmental personality, or an unforgiving spirit? The list could go on forever.
Are we as likely to confront our own shortcomings? Are we willing to talk to someone else and hold ourselves up for inspection? Are we able to CLEARLY see our weaknesses without using rose-colored glasses? Hmmm….maybe, maybe not.
Yet, Proverbs tells us that we must in order for our Christian heart to grow and mature. Don’t we say that to our children? They need to be aware of their behavior, actions, and reactions in order to learn and mature. Sometimes, after becoming adults though, we forget that particular admonition and ignore the less than optimal behaviors that others may find, to say at the very least, “bothersome”.
In order to reflect and improve, we have many avenues in which to explore ourselves and our behavior. It could be through prayer, or accountability with a friend, or meditation, or some sort of self inventory. Frankly, the one that seems to be the most helpful, albeit the most painful, is accountability. It also needs to be fair and kind but fully open and honest without hurt feelings. Truthfulness is a reflective tool that is clear and concise and without retribution. Most importantly though, it needs to be accomplished in a Christian atmosphere with gentleness and love.
May God Bless Each of Us as we attempt to be courageous and bold. May he give us a clear reflection for this sometimes painful endeavor. May He show us that in our quest for becoming a better person, that Gods’ Grace is sufficient for us. He loves us, no matter what we may find within us.
Dear Lord, help me to look deep within my heart and soul to find those things I need to improve upon. Help me to go to a fellow Christian with a true and direct approach to bettering myself. Give me strength when it’s hard to hear. Give me comfort when I realize it is true. Most of all, as I hopefully improve, help me to reflect Your Love to others. Hear me roar! AMEN.
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