From the desk of
Rev. Dr. Carolyn McCall Livingston
August 29, 2017
Good Morning Family,
Filled with mix emotions as I sit wondering, thinking, worrying, praying and worshipping my heart is overwhelmed. While watching the news yesterday, to hear of the areas near our church, knowing that many of the members live in or near Katy, Sienna Plantation, Cinco Ranch and all the areas surrounding these neighborhoods, my heart was sadden and in the state of remorse.
I cried to God, saying, Lord please spare us no more rain, no more water…and yes water kept falling, rising and being released. I had no other recourse except to rely on the faithfulness of God and his promises. In my spirit came these words: Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62.
Be comforted this day and know in your heart as family that God is our refuge and we will get through this. Truly, trials and troubles make us stronger and brings us closer together. So keep the faith, hold on, God is your refuge.
My prayer today comes from Psalm 61:
For those who had to evacuate, let us know if you are in shelters, with family or whatever you situation might be. Contact other members, text me or call me. As I said, we are family and we are in this together.
As for as the church office, the office will be closed the rest of the week. We hope to have one service on Sunday morning @10:00am (Sept.3). From there we will strategize of what and how we can help rebuild our surrounding community.
Keep praying, keep thinking and keep supporting in every way that God enables you!
Love ya dearly and blessings,
Pastor Carolyn
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